Its nature, as well as its absolute purity, give this oil many cosmetic properties. Sesame Oil was also known by the perfumers of antiquity for its particular efficacy as a fixative for the noble aromas, especially the most delicate flowers, hence it was used profusely for the preparation of floral extracts by maceration. Its heating and regenerative powers make it an excellent oil for massages. Sesame oil is light and is suitable for all types of skins, especially the most sensitive or irritated ones. The antioxidant activity of sesame oil is mainly due to its contents of sesamin and sesamolin, two natural antioxidants. The vitamin E (or tocopherol) content of this oil reinforces its antioxidant activity, while also showing anti-radical activity. These properties make sesame oil ideal to treat the ageing of skin and protect it from damage produced by exposure to the sun.
It’s a very suitable oil for the moisturisation of sensitive and irritated skin types.